Mercury 50

Mercury 50 PG - Generator Set

The Mercury™ recuperated gas turbine is a product of Solar's commitment to the U.S. Department of Energy's Advanced Turbine Systems (ATS) program. It features the highest electrical efficiency for a gas turbine in its size range and an ultra-low emissions profile.

Mercury 50 PG - Generator Set

ISO Performance/Specifications

Power 4600 kWe 4600 kWe
Heat Rate 8865 Btu/kW-hr 9350 kJ/kW-hr
Exhaust Flow 140,400 lb/hr 63,700 kg/hr
Exhaust Temperature 690ºF 365ºC
Steam Production 13.1-103.9 klb/hr 6.0-47.1 tonnes/hr
Exhaust Configuration Vertical Vertical
Combustion System SoLoNOx (DLE) SoLoNOx (DLE)
  • Current Gen III Design Introduced in 2004
  • Excellent Thermal Efficiency
  • Best in Class Emissions at 5 ppm NOx on Natural Gas
  • Unique Heat-to-Power Ratio
  • High Power Density
  • Extensive Field Evaluation Experience
  • Patented Recuperator Fully Integrated with Gas Turbine Cycle Design

Mercury 50 Recuperated Gas Turbine Generator Set – Power Generation Data Sheet

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Combined Heat and Power Plant - Veterans Administration Hospital

Read how Solar Turbines Mercury 50 recuperated gas turbine helped the VA hospital in San Diego provide emergency power and millions of dollars in emission offset credits due to best in class emissions.

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